Gyusecco 2024
Egységár: 4 000 Ft/liter
+50 Ft (bruttó) / palack üvegvisszaváltási díj
Gyusecco 2024
A lightly sparkling wine which gives a beautiful mixture of fragrances to the nose. The Muscat characteristics of the grape variety become really playful due to good acidity. In 2008, Gyukli Vinery was the first in the region to introduce a beautiful quality sparkling wine for the consumers. We have been experimenting with several wines but Irsai Oliver has proved to be the most appropriate and best. Served cold this wine is not only the wine of feasts but also an ideal match for gastronomic adventures and nice conversations.
Irsai Olivér
Könnyű, jóivású, illatos gyöngyözőbor A: 11,05 % S: 5,3 g/l C: 0,9 g/l